Overcoming Obstacles to Taking The Gospel to the Nations

In an era where globalization has made the world smaller, the call for churches to extend their reach beyond local communities into international mission fields is louder than ever. Scripture is also very clear on our call to go to the “utter most” parts with the gospel.

Yet, numerous churches encounter what they perceive as barriers that can dampen their enthusiasm and effectiveness in answering this call. Here, we explore some of the critical challenges and offer actionable solutions for churches aspiring to engage in overseas missions.

1. Confronting Apathy Within the Church

One of the foremost struggles is the prevailing apathy in many American churches towards international missions. This indifference often can stem from a lack of awareness of the global need for the gospel. We tend to think everyone around the world has the same access to Jesus as we enjoy in the west.

Solution: Awareness and Education
Church leaders can ignite a passion for missions by regularly teaching what God has to say about reaching the nations. In addition, sharing stories, statistics, and testimonies from the international field can inspire churches to move forward in missions. Hosting mission-focused conferences and inviting guest speakers from diverse cultural backgrounds can offer congregations a glimpse of the global church's needs and opportunities.

2. Addressing Spiritual Warfare

The spiritual dimension of mission work cannot be underestimated. Churches that venture into new territories often encounter spiritual resistance that can manifest in various ways, from team discord to external opposition. This opposition is to be expected, but it can also frustrate churches to the point of giving up.

Solution: Spiritual Preparedness and Prayer
Pre-mission training should include spiritual warfare education, equipping teams with biblical strategies to handle conflicts and challenges. Establishing strong prayer support networks within and outside the church can provide the spiritual cover necessary to withstand and overcome such adversities.

3. Overcoming Fear of Overseas Travel

The prospect of traveling to unfamiliar, sometimes unstable regions can instill fear even in the most committed hearts. Concerns about safety, health risks, and geopolitical instability are common. I have found this to be huge among church members. Most take their information about any country from the news.  As a friend once said, "Quit getting your mission marching orders from the news.”  

Solution: Comprehensive Preparation and Support
Churches can alleviate these fears by thoroughly preparing mission teams. This preparation includes health and safety training, cultural orientation, and regular updates about the political and social climate of the target area. These updates should come from missionaries serving on the field. Partnering with established missionaries and organizations on the ground can ensure local perspective, support, and guidance.

4. Enhancing Biblical Understanding of Missions

A lack of deep biblical understanding regarding the importance of missions can hinder church engagement. Many believers may not fully grasp that the Great Commission is not merely a suggestion but a directive from Jesus Himself, essential to the Christian faith.

Solution: Biblical Teaching and Integration
Regular sermon series, Bible studies, and Sunday school curricula dedicated to missions can deepen congregational understanding and commitment. Leaders should emphasize scriptural teachings on missions, demonstrating how the early church's efforts align with today's need for global evangelism.

Embarking on international missions is no small endeavor, and the challenges are real and varied. However, with strategic preparation, focused prayer, and a robust biblical foundation, churches can overcome these barriers. The call to share the gospel across the globe is both a privilege and a responsibility. By addressing these challenges head-on, churches can rekindle their missionary zeal and make a tangible impact in the world for Christ.

Through education, spiritual preparation, logistical planning, and theological grounding, the church can awaken from apathy, face spiritual battles with courage, navigate the complexities of international travel, and fully embrace its biblically mandated mission role. In doing so, it not only obeys Christ's command but also plays a crucial part in the transformative work of the Gospel worldwide.


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