The Pitfalls and Solutions to Recruiting/Hiring "Yes Men”
I both hate and love it when people ask me my opinion. I love it because it makes me think they want to hear what I have to say about a subject. I hate it because I like to be honest in answering those types of questions, and in reality, they don’t. I will confess that I am one of the greatest offenders of this myself. Part of the reason for writing this article is to remind myself that outside opinions can be helpful. It has taken me a long time to see that when people ask my/your opinion, all they really want is for us to confirm their opinions. Few are asking for real feedback. Some just want a yes man.
In leadership, a "yes" man agrees with everything the leader says, avoiding critical feedback or dissent. While this might seem supportive on the surface, it often leads to significant challenges, especially in church leadership, where integrity, accountability, and diversity of thought are paramount. A church thrives on collaboration and honesty, not uncritical agreement. Hiring or recruiting a "yes" man can ultimately harm the church’s mission and effectiveness. Everyone needs a yes man in their life to encourage a leader to feel good about the decisions they make. On the flip side of this, too many yes men in a church can be detrimental to the progress of the church. I see three basic reasons why having too many “yes men” can hurt our leadership.
1. Lack of Accountability
Leaders are fallible, and having team members who respectfully challenge decisions is crucial to maintaining accountability. Without this, blind spots and errors can go unchecked, potentially leading to more significant issues. A powerful biblical example of accountability is Nathan’s confrontation with King David (2 Samuel 12). Nathan’s courage to speak truth to power helped David recognize his wrongdoing and realign with God’s will. Similarly, church leaders need individuals unafraid to point out areas for growth or caution.
2. Stifled Creativity and Growth
Churches thrive when diverse and creative ideas are brought to the table. By nature, a "yes" man discourages innovation and creativity, as their primary goal is to affirm rather than contribute. I love affirming persons because that is a weakness of my own, but a yes person’s affirmation can stifle creativity. It can potentially hinder the leaders and church’s ability to adapt, grow, and meet the needs of its congregation and community. As hard as it can be, hearing a different opinion can help us as leaders to grow and lead beyond our current capabilities.
3. Encouragement of Pride or Hubris
Constant agreement from team members can inflate a leader’s ego, fostering a sense of pride. This can lead to poor decision-making and an environment where dissent is feared rather than welcomed. I have seen many leaders over the years label people with a different opinion as disloyal. It is not disloyal to disagree. Proverbs 11:2 warns, “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” A leader surrounded by "yes" men risks losing the humility essential for effective and godly leadership.
As hard as it may be for me, there are benefits to recruiting critical thinkers who can balance my one-sided opinions.
1. Encourages Collaboration
Healthy debate among team members leads to well-rounded and thoughtful decisions. The early church’s Jerusalem Council (Acts 15) is an excellent example of collaborative decision-making. Leaders gathered to address disputes and reached a consensus that honored truth and unity. In his book Principles, Ray Dalio had this say about having collaborators who may think differently:
"Radical transparency and open-mindedness are fundamental to creating an idea meritocracy where the best ideas win."
2. Builds Trust Among Staff and Congregation
Leaders who encourage authenticity and honest feedback build a culture of trust. Staff members and congregants are more likely to respect and support leaders who demonstrate openness to differing opinions.
3. Prepares the Church for Challenges
Churches face complex challenges, from theological disputes to logistical crises. Leaders who are accustomed to being challenged are better equipped to navigate these situations effectively, developing stronger strategies and responses.
Practical Steps for Leaders
Look for Candidates with a Proven Record of Constructive Feedback. Seek team members who have demonstrated the ability to provide thoughtful, respectful criticism in previous roles.
Foster an Environment Where Respectful Disagreement is Welcomed. You can do this by making team members feel safe to voice their opinions without fear of retribution or making them feel they are being disloyal.
Regularly Self-Reflect on Openness to Criticism Evaluate your own leadership style and make adjustments to ensure you are approachable and open to feedback. This takes a lot of practice including monitoring facial expressions when taking to leaders.
I have already said this but I truly am writing this article to remind myself that I need to hear from differing voices. Recruiting or hiring "yes" people might seem appealing for maintaining harmony, but it comes at the cost of accountability, creativity, and growth. Instead, as church leaders, we should seek team members who bring diverse perspectives, encourage collaboration, and challenge decisions respectfully. By doing so, leaders can ensure that their churches reflect the diverse wisdom of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-26) and remain aligned with their mission to serve God and their communities effectively.